Terms and Conditions

Thank you for choosing Burwood Dog Grooming for our professional dog grooming services. Before using our services, please take the time to read and understand the following important terms and conditions:

1. Appointment Booking: All grooming appointments must be made in advance through our website, email, phone or Instagram. We operate on a first-come, first-served basis, and we recommend booking in advance to secure your preferred time slot.

2. Cancellation Policy: We understand that circumstances may change, and you may need to cancel or reschedule your appointment. Kindly notify us at least 24 hours before your scheduled appointment. Failure to do so may result in a cancellation fee of 50% of the grooming service cost.

3. Punctuality: We kindly request pet owners to arrive promptly for their appointments. If you are running late, please inform us as soon as possible. We may need to reschedule your appointment if you are more than 15 minutes late, and a cancellation fee may apply.

4. Pet Behaviour: While we strive to provide a calm and friendly environment, some dogs may exhibit aggression or fearful behaviour during grooming. We request honest and accurate information about your pet's behaviour prior to the appointment. In cases where a dog poses a risk to itself or me, I may refuse or discontinue services for the safety of all parties involved.

5. Health and Medical Issues: We understand that grooming can sometimes reveal hidden medical conditions or aggravate existing ones. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you inform us about any medical concerns your pet may have before their appointment. Any veterinary care required as a result of a medical condition discovered during or after grooming will be the responsibility of the pet's owner. If your dog has any specific skin conditions that require a particular shampoo treatment, please provide it prior to the grooming appointment. This ensures we can cater to their specific needs effectively, providing the best care possible.

6. Accidents: While accidents are very rare, it's important to acknowledge that working with animals always carries a small risk. Grooming equipment is sharp and although we use extreme care in all situations, issues such as cuts, nicks, scratches, or quicking of nails may occur during grooming, especially if your pet is moving or wiggling around. Rest assured that if such an unfortunate event happens, we will notify you immediately. We want you to know that Burwood Dog Grooming is fully covered by insurance, which adds an extra layer of protection for your peace of mind. Burwood Dog Grooming will not be held responsible for the accidental death of a dog due to an underlying medical condition. If we determine that urgent veterinary care is necessary for your pet, we kindly ask that you take responsibility for all associated fees and costs. In situations where your regular veterinarian is unavailable, we will promptly seek assistance from our local veterinarians.

7. Matting: We will try to groom your dog to your requirements, however if your dogs coat is severely matted, the matted coat will have to be clipped (shaved). There will be an additional charge if your pet is severely matted. If your dogs matted coat takes longer than 15 minutes to rectify we may have to clip the whole coat for the dogs welfare. Clipping out matts could cause nicks, cuts or abrasions to the dogs skin due to skin growths caught in the mats.

8. Fleas: Burwood Dog Grooming is a flea-free salon; if your pet arrives to their appointment with fleas we will have to refuse service and charge you a 50% cancellation fee.

9. Photographs: Photographs and videos may be taken of your furry friend, these will be used on our website and social media platforms. If you would prefer us not to take photos of your dog please let us know when you drop your dog off for their appointment.

10. Collection: You will be notified 10-15 minutes by text before collection, please do not return to the salon before you are contacted.